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Fall 2009 Newsletter

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                      Glass Patterns Quarterly 

Newsletter Fall 2009
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In This Issue
From the Editor
Learning To Lead
Fall Leaves Mosaic Tray
Christmas Tree
Glass Painting Silhouettes
Barry Kaiser has worked in jewelry since 1973 faceting and cabbing gemstones. From there he transitioned into goldsmithing and later discovered glass, a medium that enabled his experimental nature to come out. By 2001 Barry was specializing in jewelry-sized, kiln fired glass. He and his wife Sharon work out of their home studio, where many of the processes he uses and teaches were first developed.
Quick Links
 Glass Tip
by Jennell Hogue
Glass-a-holic Publications 
To keep curved pieces of glass from snapping off when breaking the score, try "pulse" squeezing the pliers gently. This means you will open and close the mouth of the pliers at one second intervals to coax the score to run on the proper course. If the score still doesn't break, don't force it any further. Go to the other end of the score and "pulse" squeeze until the score breaks. 
Dear Readers,
You can now find us on
Please join the growing number of Glass Patterns Quarterly readers who have become fans of the magazine on Facebook.  The membership is free, and as a member you'll have an opportunity to be alerted of special offers and bonuses, get a sneak peek behind the scenes at GPQ, and offer feedback while participating in project development. Let's face it, you'll be able to shape the magazine in ways never before imagined.  You can start now by taking this brief
Survey.  It's a way that you can interact with the editor, the art director, and the glass artists who build the projects each quarter.
You'll have an opportunity to join our Editorial Advisory board and you'll be able to write on our wall and tell us what you'd like to see in future issues. We'll have contests and glass challenges that allow YOU to challenge our creative staff with requests. Why not show us what you are doing currently in glass and upload videos and photos. So please come and join us on
Facebook.  Once you're a member, click on the "Become a Fan" button in the upper right-hand area and publicly support Glass Patterns Quarterly.

This newsletter is designed to give you additional tutorials and articles that keep you stretching and growing and enjoying glass crafting. We bring you the best teachers and designers in the industry and show you how it's done so you can create your own works of art. Feel free to share them with your family and friends. Another source of great information is our Projects section on our website, You may wish to visit often to see the new projects and patterns that are posted there regularly.
I hope you enjoy your fall and this harvest of glass ideas. 
Maureen James, Editor
DiamondsLearning to Lead
Design by Rob Torres
A 16" x 16" beginner project from Oak Tree Stained Glass Studio for creating a leaded channel window. Tips are also offered on glass selection, planning the project, and selecting glasses that will complement each other.
Mosaic Fall Leaves Mosaic Tray
Design by Lisa Vogt
A 7-3/4" x 7-3/4" decorative beginner mosaic tray done in vibrant fall shades of yellow, orange, and red and set in a wood frame. These fan-shaped leaves are formed by joining crescents together to make the whole leaf.
XmasTreeChristmas Tree
Design by Takaaki Tsuchiya
A three-dimensional free-form tree sculpture made with 4-1/4"x 7-3/4" panels joined at the center of the tree. This project is constructed with copper foil with the aid of Morton's Blocking System.
PaintingThe Techniques and Secrets of
Beautiful Glass Painting-Silhouettes 
Design by David Williams and Stephen Byrne
Basic principles of glass painting plus unique tips to help ensure success with painting silhouettes on glass are presented. 
Upcoming Events
Bullseye Glass Co.                                                                   D&L Learning Center AGG
Portland OR. 97202                                                                   Denver, CO 80221
October 18, 2009 Erik Whittemore                                             October 25 MilonTowsend, Flameworking
Lost Wax & Kilncasting Demo                                                    October 26-30 MilonTownsend, Lost Wax Kiln Casting
Registration by October 16, 2009                                               November 10-14 Patty Gray, Advanced Fusing
To register click here.                                                                 For class schedule click here
Flame Run Exhibit Under the Sea                                            WheatonArts & Cultural Center
Louisville, KY 40206                                                                  Millville, NJ 08332
October 2-November 20                                                             October 12-16 & October 19-23
For more information click here.                                                 Kenneth Leap & Kathy Johnson, Glass Painting
                                                                                                   For class schedule click here.
Glass Art Society 41st Annual Conference
Tucson, AZ
                                                                                 16th SOFA Chicago 2009 Gala   
April 7-9, 2011                                                                             Chicago, IL  60640 
Deadline: November 1, 2009                                                      November 5 Opening Night Preview
Details for submissions forms click here.                                       November 6-8 Exhibits, Navy Pier's Festival Hall
                                                                                                    For ticket information click here.
Mesa Arts Center
Mesa, AR 85201                                                                          Buyers Market of American Craft (NICHE magazine)
December 2-6 Loren Stump, Loren 1, Beginner                          Las Vegas, NV
To register click here.                                                                   December 1, 2009 Application Reviews
January 22-24, 2010 Bandhu Dunham, Playful Marble Runs      Jewelry Show-Exhibiting 
For more information click here.                                                  For information click here. 
Buyers Market of America Craft (Winter Show)                          The American Craft Council
Pennsylvania Convention Center                                                 Baltimore Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA 19107                                                              Baltimore, MD 21201
February 11, 2010 Jewelry Preview                                             February 23-24 2010 Wholesale Show
February 12-15, 2010 Exhibits                                                     February 25-28, 2010 Public Show
For more information 
click here.                                                   For more information click here.                   
Mosaic Arts International 2010                                                 
American Mosaic Summit
Smith Museum of Stained Glass at Navy Pier                             9th Annual SAMA Conference
Chicago, IL                                                                                 The Palmer House Hilton
March 1-April 30, 2010                                                               Chicago, IL
For more information
click here.                                                  March 17-21, 2010
                                                                                                    For more information
click here.
American Craft Council Conference 2009
Minneapolis, MN
October 15-17, 2009
For registeration information click here. 
Be sure to catch the Fall 2009 issue of Glass Patterns Quarterly, where you'll find a handsome Golden Retriever panel plus innovative stained glass Halloween projects for a flying witch panel and four-sided haunted GPQCover150F09house lantern that features flying bats. There is also a fused leaf panel made by painting with frit, a fused-and-slumped geometric plate, a lovely fused-and-slumped indoor fountain created with molds made from Kaiser Lee Board, and a striking cloisonné pendant decorated with silver wire and enamels. You'll also find a fabulous collection of holiday stained glass small panels and suncatchers including a snowman, reindeer, gingerbread men garland, jingle bells, Christmas mouse, and angels. Rounding out this great issue is an article describing a large residential mosaic installation, a Q&A section on kiln operation, and beginner tips and tricks for easy ways to enhance the look of stained glass panels. Complete four-color, step-by-step instructions, patterns, and tips walk you through each process for projects that fit every level of crafting expertise. Also check this issue for our regular features on New Products, New Books and Patterns, What's Hot, and full-size patterns available only from GPQ.
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Subscribe to Glass Patterns Quarterly 

We would like to invite you to become a subscriber of GPQ magazine!  GPQ is a quarterly magazine and will be delivered to your door four times a year.  Subscribe today and start your subscription with our current Fall 2009 issue.
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Our staff has hand picked their favorite 6 Holiday back issues of GPQ magazine and collected them into a Specially Priced Gift Package with over 50 Holiday projects and patterns.  These GPQ magazines make a great gift at a low price for you or your favorite glass crafter.  Whether you are new to glass or have enjoyed the medium for a long time, you will not find a better bargain for glass instruction and knowledge.  Glass has  never been so much fun or easier to learn!
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             Please visit our Sister Publications     

                  The Flo                                                                   Profitable Glass Quarterly 
                                 Calendar of Events                                                                      Glass Art Profiles
Reader's Corner! 
The best place to learn and enjoy glass is by taking a class at a local stained glass retailer. Here you'll meet people of like mind and similar interests. We would like for you to meet Priscilla Haug, the owner of Glass Delights in New Jersey, where she teaches traditional stained glass, jewelry, and fusing classes.  To learn more about Glass Delights, Profitable Glass Quarterly magazine will feature them in the Winter 2009 issue that is due out mid-November.  
To locate a stained glass class in your area visit and click on Stained Glass Shops (on the pull down menu) from the Hobbyist Corner header. 

Glass Delights   

 Student-Glass Delights 
We want YOU to become part of our quarterly newsletter!
Send a clear photo of your favorite project (or projects) to Glass Patterns Quarterly,
Reader's Corner, PO Box 69, Westport, KY 40077.  Submitted photos remain the property
of GPQ and will not be returned. 
We will accept a high resolution (at least 300 dpi) JPEG sent via e-mail.  Please e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and add Reader's Corner in the subject line on the e-mail.
Thank you!
We hope you've enjoyed reading our newsletter and welcome any comments or ideas for upcoming issues. Look for
our next Newsletter in January 2010.
Glass Patterns Quarterly 
 Editor, Maureen James