Glass Patterns Quarterly Magazine is happy to bring you free glass artist's wallpaper for your computer's desktop.
New desktop wallpaper in 3 quick steps:
Determine your computer's screen size and resolution. We've provided 3 standard display sizes in 4:3 ratio (800x600), (1024x768), and (1600x1200), and one wide-screen version in 16:9 ratio (2520x1575).
Then simply click on the corresponding image size of your favorite picture. A new window will pop up with the full-size wallpaper. You can then drag that picture onto your desktop, or save the image by right-clicking on it.
Adjust your computer's preferences or settings so that the new image is your desktop wallpaper.
Be sure to check back for new wallpaper each quarter. You can also sign up for The Flow Magazine's quarterly newsletter to be notified of our latest images. We'll post more free wallpaper with each issue update!
Free wallpaper inspired from the pages of Glass Pattern Quarterly's Magazine's Spring 2011 issue
Published in
Download attachments:
- 800x768GPQSpringIntheCitybySauliusJankauskas.jpg (2275 Downloads)
- 1024x768GPQSpringIntheCitybySauliusJankauskas.jpg (2421 Downloads)
- 1600x1200GPQSpringIntheCitybySauliusJankauskas.jpg (2293 Downloads)
- 2520x1575GPQSpringIntheCitybySauliusJankauskas.jpg (2602 Downloads)