Platter and Box—Creating Realistic, Delicate Glass Castings

Design, Fabrication, and Text by Craig Smith


A 9" x 12" fused and slumped flat-glass platter and fused elliptical box. Design elements for use as decorations are first cast by filling Colour de Verre molds with fine frit. The elements are then used to decorate the border of the platter and the top of the box, which is also created using an elliptical box top and bottom mold set. Tips are given that emphasize the importance of retaining the delicate appearance of the cast design elements by using a lower temperature and longer time for the fusing process to better retain the shapes and textures in the design elements used for decoration of the pieces.


This article was originally published on page 52 in the Summer 2011 issue of Glass Patterns Quarterly.
Back issue magazineDigital Issue and CD available. 


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