Desert Coyote Fused Panel

Design and Fabrication by Alysa Phiel, Text and Photography by Jane McClarren

A 10" x 14" multimedia fused panel with free-form border depicting a coyote in his Arizona desert habitat. Frit is used to decorate the panel’s background. Stringers are then pulled for the vegetation, and cacti are cut from sheet glass, then decorated with frit and fired. The photocopied coyote art is used to create a decal that is added to the glass. The remaining foreground pieces are nipped from glass, and details are painted on before the final assembly and firing. Kiln schedules are included for this fused glass project.

This article was originally published on page 56 in the Winter 2013 issue of Glass Patterns Quarterly.
Back issue magazineDigital Issue and CD available. To order issue with pattern included.



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