Spooky Crystal Ball

Design by Krista Smith, Text by Angie Rodgers

Demonstration by Mark Waterbury

An 8” x 7” design featuring ghosts swirling through a crystal ball, and the design can easily be enlarged to 16” x 14” if desired. Designer Krista Smith envisioned this concept, and writer Angie Rodgers added the text. Mark Waterbury took this opportunity to provide an excellent demonstration on how to cut the background pieces so the grain all flows the same way. Youghiogheny Opalescent Glass is used in this demonstration, and Canfield 60/40 solder and flux are recommended for construction.

Article originally published on page 26 in the Fall 2023 issue of Glass Patterns Quarterly®.
To view (and save) the whole article with full size pattern as a PDF, download for $5.95 Spooky Crystal Ball


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