Glass Expert Webinar™ with Michael Dupille November 12, 2019


As Michael describes, the painterly use of crushed glass frits and powders has opened up a whole new world of artistic imagery.

Anything is possible when working with small particles of glass; from tight photo-realism to loose impressionism.

During this Webinar, you will learn how to control color density, shading, soft and hard edge lines and unique specialty looks while working in the panel format.

As featured in Michael's "Fritography" DVD, he will guide you through the process of completing his Oriental Woman tile piece from beginning to end.

He will demonstrate each technique as it is created and give detailed instruction, including firing schedules.

This Webinar will focus on the principles of multiple firing to create a rich, vibrant panel piece.  Just imagine how you can expand these techniques to create unbelievable wall pieces, tiles and continuous murals!

As one of the early kiln working artists, Michael has pioneered this and many other glass working processes.

He is considered a master artist in the area of frit working.  His dynamite slide show will inspire as well as educate.

Don't miss this opportunity!

**NEW OFFER: Within a week after the Webinar, everyone who purchases the class will receive an e-mail with the link to a recorded version of the Webinar. You will have unlimited viewing of the recording AND your link never expires!

No Traveling Required!

To Register for this class click here


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