Glass Expert Webinar™ with Jason Harris aka "Jerome Baker" June 13, 2017


This isn’t your grandpa’s tobacco pipe! Glass guru and pipe-making pioneer Jason Harris aka “Jerome Baker,” offers an exclusive online workshop that will make you, the student, feel as if you are one of his very own apprentices! You will be able to ask questions via live chat during ongoing demonstrations, and get live technical and artistic advice from the man himself. Demonstrations during this class will include how to achieve classic patterns including dot work, wrap and rake, latticino, and writing subliminal words! Learn about color application and how to properly fume gold and silver. You will also gain insight into how to shape stems and bowls so they are able to function properly. And let's not forget the technique known as “pushing in” the bowl!

Besides learning the intricate process of making a Jerome Baker signature 2-piece hand pipe; this webinar will also cover important glassblowing safety tips designed to prevent accidents from occurring; basics often overlooked when in the studio. Get a glass guru's take on the history of glassblowing through the ages and various cultural influences, plus personal experiences, adventures, and the places glassblowing has taken him in his ongoing glass-art career. Fundamental theories such as the “Theory of Why,” will be presented and explained, as well as basic principles of shape and aesthetic. The student should leave this class with an inspired knowledge of borosilicate flameworking and specifically pipemaking - and an urge to create more!

No Traveling Required!

To Register for this class click here


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