Susan McGarry LIVE Webinar


The Kaleidoscope Pattern Bar Adventure is an exciting new experience in pattern bars utilizing the Triangular Pattern Bar mold. Susan has spent the last three years developing this technique and is ready to share it with you. During this Webinar, you will learn everything you need to create beautiful unique pattern bars that can be used to make everything from attractive bowls and dishes to one of a kind jewelry pieces. You will learn all the necessary tips and tricks for successful kaleidoscope inspired pieces.

Susan has plenty of examples and demos packed into two hours. Firing schedules and tip sheets will be included in the PDF handouts.

 Within a week after the Webinar, everyone who purchases the class will receive an e-mail with the link to a recorded version of the Webinar. You will have unlimited viewing of the recording AND your link never expires!

No Traveling Required!

To Purchase the Recorded Webinar Link click here


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