The Glass Cutting Contest 2014

Glass Patterns Quarterly and major sponsor Glass Accessories International wouid like to thank everyone who attended the Glass Cutting Contest which was held on April 5 at the 2014 Glass Craft & Bead
Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Beginners Category Winners

1st—Mary Shevlin of Duncanville, TX

2nd—Cindy Zachman of Marysville, WA

3rd—Andrea Turner of Bellaire, TX

Advanced Category Winners

1st—Scott Bruh of Burney, CA

2nd—Alysa Phiel of Tucson, AZ

3rd—Gail Jamieson of Phoenix, AZ

Super Pros Winners

1st—Carrie Strope Sohayda of Lincoln, NB

2nd—Cathy Claycomb of Indianapolis, IN

3rd—Connie Sanchez of Denver, CO


Denny Berkery of Madison, WI

Jacqui Bush of McKinney, TX

Philip Teefy of Sacramento, CA

Invited Super Pros

Cathy Claycomb

Michael Dupille

Tony Glander

Petra Kaiser

Peter McGrain

Christine Stewart

Carrie Strope Sohayda

John Williams

Design by:
Christine Stewart of Macksville, New South Wales, Australia

Kiln provided by:
Mike Glotfelty of Lakeland, Florida, firing in his Jen-Ken Kilns.

Spectrum, D&L, and Morton donated GOODs. Sara Peterson at Spectrum did the glass color selections and separated and made the pattern for each layer.

Mr and Mrs. Marvin Bucholz of California were the winning bidders for the finished artwork.





















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