2015 Glass Cutting Contest




This popular contest is scheduled to be held on Friday, April 10, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the show stage in the Exhibit Hall at the 2015 Glass Craft & Bead Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Glass Cutting Contest is free and open to everyone.

For the 2015 Glass Cutting Contest, Spectrum Patterns will be featured and provided in advance.

Start practicing with the patterns, which are available to download on the Glass Accessories website, HYPERLINK "http://www.glassaccessories.com"www.glassaccessories.com, then enter the drawing in person on Friday, April 10, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and hope your name is drawn at 4:30 p.m. as one of the 16 contestants to cut glass in one of two divisions! The Beginners Division of 8 Contestants is for artists who have up to three years of glass experience. The Advanced Division is for those with more than three years’ experience. (Contestants do not need to be present at the drawing, but they must check in for the contest at 4:55 p.m. or an alternate name will be drawn.)

There will be tools provided to use and return.

Use one pattern for cutting the clear glass.
The other pattern is to place your cut pieces on.
The Beginners Division pattern is the tulip.
The Advanced Division will cut the goldfish pattern.

You will have 4 minutes to cut as many pieces as possible. The pieces will be judged as follows:
Pieces must fit inside the pattern lines but not be smaller than 1/16" inside those lines. The person with the most qualifying pieces wins.

Prizes will be awarded courtesy of our generous sponsors!

A Special thanks to:

Glass Accessories International, Spectrum Glass, Hollander Glass, Glass Patterns Quarterly, AAE Glass, Delphi Glass, Pacific Art Glass, Slumpy's, Uroboros Glass, American Hakko Products, Austin Thin Films, D & L Art Glass Supply, Fusion Headquarters, GlaStar, Glass Craft & Bead Expo, GlassHopper Patterns, His Glassworks, KBW Foundation, Kokomo Glass, Morton Glass Works, A Sanborn Corporation, and Streuter Technologies.

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