Glass Expert Webinar™ with Kent Lauer April 2, 2020


Kent Lauer returns to show you how to make faceted glass pendants using dichroic glass from Coatings By Sandberg and be introduced to some remarkable cold working techniques at the same time. In this Webinar a thin layer of dichroic glass will be laminated between two layers of beautiful Starphire glass, then ground and polished into an incredible jewel. This exciting hands-on class will cover all aspects of creating these breathtaking pendants from cutting the 1/2"-thick glass with a diamond saw to laminating and beveling the glass. As a Webinar participant, you’ll also be able to ask Kent questions in real time via live chat. This is your chance to learn Kent’s astounding techniques for cold working glass from your own home or studio.

**NEW OFFER: Within a week after the Webinar, everyone who purchases the class will receive an e-mail with the link to a recorded version of the Webinar. You will have unlimited viewing of the recording AND your link never expires!

No Traveling Required!

To Register for this class, click here

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