Glass Expert Webinar™ with Cathy Claycomb October 18, 2018


If you’re looking for new techniques to add to your arsenal of glass art skills, look no further than art glass innovator, Cathy Claycomb. During this Webinar, Cathy will show you how to combine art glass with copper foil overlays to create stunning glass sculptures. These overlays can be used to create scenes, embellish details, or add subtle hidden images. You will learn to design, trace, cut, burnish, and solder your overlay. She'll share her tricks for controlling the heat to avoid cracking your glass. And, of course, you'll find out the best ways to clean your piece and apply patina.

**NEW OFFER: Within a week after the Webinar, everyone who purchases the class will receive an e-mail with the link to a recorded version of the Webinar. You will have unlimited viewing of the recording AND your link never expires!

No Traveling Required!

To Register for this class, click here

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